
First Congregational Church of Etna

Locust and Walnut Street

Etna, Pennsylvania 15223

Affiliated with the National Association of Congregational Churches

Gathered 1849

Phone: (412) 781-9427

Sunday Worship Service at 10:15 AM

Etna Church
Rev Martin Leiseder

First Congregational Church Home

My Grandfather, Reverend Martin Leiseder was the pastor of this church for 57 years from 1910-1967

History of the Church written on November 4, 1934 by Rev. Martin Leiseder

History of the First Congregational Church of Etna Pennsylvania 1849-1999

History of the Church Windows -by Dorolyn Smith

Reverend Martin Leiseder 1884-1967

Reverend Martin Leiseder in Pictures

Reverend Martin Leiseder Speaks on the Significance of his Work.  

Address on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary Of Reverend Leiseder's Service May 2, 1962 -by John McIntyre

Etna Church interior
Rev Martin Leiseder

Only Names Change -Press Coverage of the 50th Anniversary in 1962

Address on the Occasion of the 110 Anniversary of the First Congregational Church of Etna November 1, 1969
  -by John D. McIntyre -    This is a rather complete history of the church up to 1969

The 150th Anniversary History and Celebration (pdf)

Pop-pop's Ode to Marriage       
    This was read at each of our marriages!

Poplar Grove Poem

Reverend Leiseder's Affirmations of the Religion of Life

Rev. Leiseder's Communion Prayer

Rev Martin and Sarah Leiseder
Rev. Martin Leiseder -
Sarah Sutter Leiseder -1917