Rev. Martin Leiseder and Sarah Sutter Leiseder
          Pastor (55 years) and Organist
          First Congregational Church of Etna, PA                 Biography         Pop-pop's Ode to Marriage        Poplar Grove Poem

The first picture shows Martin Leiseder as he appeared in the 1949 Church bulletin for the 100th anniversary celebration. Rev. Martin Leiseder, born March 22nd 1884. Taken in Austria, 1929 by Otto Paap, Salzburg, Photographer.
Taken in 1948.  Sarah Adele (Sutter) Leiseder born Feb. 4, 1897.  Daughter of John Henry Sutter and Hilma Adele (Schubert) Sutter of Elfinwild, Shaler Twp, PA.  The Sutter farm was at the corner of what is now Sutter Rd. and Mt. Royal Blvd. Sarah Adele (Sutter) and Husband Rev. Martin Leiseder. Taken Sept. 1917.

Sarah  Leiseder was the Church organist throughout her adult life.

The Leiseder girls are shown above in this undated photograph.  The twins are Gwen and Bea (Gwendolyn and Beatrice) and the tall one is Ruth Josephine Leiseder Wilson Stauffer.
"Martin Leiseder.  This picture was taken in June 1909 when I (he) was ordained priest ( 29th of June)." The reverse side of the picture at left. Martin Leiseder was ordained on June 29, 1909 at the Cathedral at Freising by Cardinal Fruchtwirth, the Papal Legate to Austria.  Martin Leiseder is in the second row at the furthest right.
The Grandchildren: Jack and David Wilson.  Jack born June 29, 1945 and David on February 23, 1948. Margaret Ruth ( Peggy) Wilson Andrew and Sandra King, the children of Gwen Leiseder King and Murray King.
Hilma Adele (Schubert) Sutter was the mother of Sarah.  Born March 2, 1871. Rev. Leiseder's beloved sister Theresa (Resl) with Gertrude (Trudl), Elizabeth (Lisl), and Margaret (Gretl).  Only Margaret married, and she then had a daughter, Monica Lenz.  Monica is now a well known classical singer in Europe. They all lived in the same Salzburg House at Sigmund Haffner Gasse.  During the second world war, Rev. Leiseder and Resl kept up a continuous correspondence even though they did not receive the letters until after the war was over.  Trudl kept these in an album and translated them into English for Jack to see.